Thursday, June 16, 2011

Brother and Sister

Jia Li was twelve years older than her little brother. They adored each other and were a great comfort to their Mother.

~My son graduated from high school this past week and his sister Leigh was home to celebrate.  All is well in my household when she comes home.


  1. How tender and beautiful. Congratulations on your son's graduation and oh how proud Leigh must be.

  2. Hello! I've been visiting your blog for a month or two. I like your style - the way you use colours and the spots of light in your paintings!
    I suppose it'll be interesting for you to see some works of the famous Bulgarian artist Vladimir Dimitrov-Maystora in two of my older posts!

  3. Have a happy time with your whole family!:)

  4. Magnificent masterpiece. Congratulations on your son's graduation! May Leigh and the entire family have a blessed time at home. :)

  5. I love this piece!!! Brother and sister re-united here too as you know :) Except he is currently in Portugal with that bundle of joy :(
    Why is it that the youngest son is always the delightful charmer?!!

    Congratulations on the Graduate!

  6. Hello to you my darling lady friend. :)
    It's great to hear that your home is fulled with the loved ones, it's great to hear you're happy... :)

    Love xo

  7. Congratulations on your son!
    Love your painting so much. Beautiful bonding :)
    Have a wonderful family time!


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